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Vigyan Bharati in collaboration with Madhya Pradesh Council of Science and Technology, Bhopal (MPCST) is organizing ‘Gwalior Vigyan Mahotsav 2025(GVM 2025), on 20th January 2025, Monday and 21th January 2025, Tuesday at ABV-IIITM, Gwalior.


About Gwalior Vigyan Mahotsav 2025 (GVM 2025):

  •  This Vigyan Mahotsav will held on 20th January 2025, Monday and 21th January 2025, Tuesday

  • Venue: ABV-IIITM, Gwalior

  • It aims to foster scientific curiosity and promote the spirit of innovation among students, researchers, and the general public.


Expected Audience:

  • 1200 (Approx.) School Students from 50 Schools and 150 Science Teachers


Competitions and Events to be held at GVM 2025:

  • Abhyudaya - Gwalior Idea Contest & Science Exhibition: Inter-School Competition where teams of students will either present an idea or a model to solve real-world problems under the sub-themes of Traffic and Road Safety, Environment, Pollution & Climate Change, Education & Employment, Health, Food Safety & Hygiene, Tourism and Smart City, Innovation/Modernization of Water Sources, Cybersecurity and New Agricultural Technologies.

  • Vigyanottari - Science and Technology Quiz: Inter-School Quiz Competition based on Science & Technology.

  • Prerna - GVM Talks: An opportunity for our students to listen to new-age Scientists, Changemakers & Social Entrepreneurs, Young Administrations, and Policymakers, Academicians, and Teachers.

  • Manthan - Teachers Symposium: A platform for discourse around best science teaching practices


Our expected esteemed guests of honor for GVM 2025 will be:

  1. Prof HC Verma, Rtd Professor, IIT Kanpur (in due discussion)

  2. Prof Abhay Karandkar, Secretary to the Government of India in the Department of Science and Technology (in due discussion)

  3. Dr. Anil Kothari, Director General, MPCST, Bhopal

  4. Dr. Arvind C Ranade, Director, National Innovation Foundation, Gandhinagar


Vigyan Bharati

India faces critical challenges as a nation in its march towards a welfare state. Considering the nature of the challenges which are so unique, only rapid strides in the sector of science and technology, in resonance with India’s heritage can meet those challenges. In this context Vijnana Bharati, a science movement with swadeshi spirit has a greater role to play. Swadeshi Science Movement was started in Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru by a few eminent scientists under the guidance of Prof. K I Vasu. This movement gradually gained momentum and emerged as an organization with national presence.


In 1991 (Oct 20-21) at the Nagpur meet, it was decided, to launch the Swadeshi Science Movement at all India Level and named it as Vijnana Bharati. Vijnana Bharati has units in 22 states across the country and contacts in 4 states. It is working in 11 different areas through autonomous institutions, independent organizations & also as project entities.



Madhya Pradesh Council of Science & Technology,

Bhopal (MPCST)


Madhya Pradesh Council of Science & Technology, an autonomous organization under Department of Science & Technology Govt. of Madhya Pradesh, was instituted in 1981 with a view to optimize sustainable development of the State through science and technology. The major objectives of the Council include identification of the areas where science and technology input may accelerate the development of the state in various sectors, contribution towards development and improvement of scientific and technological capabilities in the State, ensure better utilization of the resources of the State and to promote modernization of the State through science & technology interventions.



ABV-IIITM, Gwalior

Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management (IIITM) in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh is an autonomous institute set by Government of India, MHRD (Presently Ministry of Education, Govt. of India) in 1997. It is an effort by Ministry of Education, Govt. of India towards creating professionals in areas of management and information technology from the same institute. This institute was created for facilitating higher education, research, and consultancy in areas of information technology (IT) and business management.

Initially started as IIITM, this institute was prefixed with ABV in 2002 to honour the then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Their long run objective is reflected in their vision which states: Global excellence in knowledge economy.


Quality Circle Forum of India

QCFI is recognized as the institution representing The Quality Circle Movement In India and has represented the country in several international forums. The organization has successfully implemented Quality concepts under the TQM umbrella across several industry verticals who have experienced a phenomenal enhancement of their work processes and productivity after implementation of Quality Concept Tools.

QCFI represents India in the 14 nation International Committee that has been set up for organizing International conventions on Quality Concept Circle, annually. To date, QCFI has organized three International convention in India. In addition, chapter convention and National convention are held every year where members present case studies and technical papers are discussed by leading Quality Concept Practitioners.

In-house Training and Orientation Programs is QCFI’s main strengths and has conducted numerous such training programs effectively. These in-house programs are based on Quality Circles integrated with TQM and related concepts.

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